I was picking up the house; she was talking to a My Little Pony:

“Don’t be fraid…don’t be afraaaaayed…don’t be fraaayd…”


“Don’t be fraid…don’t be afraaaaayed…don’t be fraaayd., Pony…”

Is your pony scared of something, Selah?

 “No, Mommy.”

 Uh, okay.

  “Follow. Follow. You go. Follow.”

Where are you going?

 “No, Mommy.”

“Don’t be fraid…don’t be afraaaaayed…don’t be fraaayd…follow. Meeeeeee. Don’t be fraid. Afraaaaayed!”

OH! JUST RISK THE OCEAN, THERE”S ONLY GRA-ACE / just risk the ocean, there’s only gra-ace / where you go we will follow / I’m on my knees / where you go we will follow / oh God send me.

“Yes, Mommy. You’re so silly. Don’t be afraaayed!”

Thanks for the reminder, sweet girl. Do you want to hear Daddy sing that song?