

With each out-of-state move, every step of obedience–the discerning, the deciding, the doubling down–has gotten easier, save one. The uprooting has gotten harder, especially now that a double oven, mountain views and neighbors I’ve come to care about...
Phoenix Rising

Phoenix Rising

When we closed Advance Church in August 2015, we knew the setback had the potential to be one of the greatest set ups of our lives; we just didn’t know for what. God had cards he wasn’t showing, and that was okay. This is Las Vegas, after all. Even so, there were days...
The Best 16 Books I Read In 2016

The Best 16 Books I Read In 2016

“She read books as one would breathe air, to fill up and live.” {Annie Dillard} I was intentionally quiet in 2016, reading more than writing while I waited for God to give me something new to say. Truth be told, after the beat down that was 2015 for our family, I...
4 Things I Learned This Summer

4 Things I Learned This Summer

Here are a handful of things I learned this summer: 1. Audiobooks make everything better. The things I look forward to doing now because I have audiobooks on my phone is astonishing. They include, but are not limited to: Cleaning everything, cooking anything, getting...
#KKLREADS (vol. 2)

#KKLREADS (vol. 2)

A couple of months ago I mentioned to my husband that a woman in a memoir I’d just finished had fallen asleep in the tub with her infant and drowned him. A few days later I realized that, no, that wasn’t right. The author of the memoir had lost a child,...