Ryan and I bought bedding yesterday for our new bedroom (we desperately needed–not just wanted–it), and while washing everything and dressing the bed last night I was reminded of this quote from My Life for Yours by Douglas Wilson:
“The marriage bed is honored as we keep the vows that we have made concerning it, but honor is not something that can be contained invisibly in the heart…Honor must have an external rhetorical expression, whether in standing, saluting, or some other form of communicating. One way to honor the marriage bed in this way is to see that the sheets are changed regularly, the bed is made, and the bed and surrounding room are decorated appropriately. By this means a couple are ‘saying’ they esteem what occurs there.”
The marriage bed is to be kept pure, yes, but it should also be kept lovely. For us this means seeing eye-to-eye on the decor, keeping our room clean and free of clutter, and teaching our kids to respect our room as just that: ours.
How about you? What parameters do you have in place to ensure that your room is a place of solace and honor for you and your husband?