We continued in our Poison and Wine series at Advance Church last weekend with my husband giving what I believe was his most transparent and helpful sermon EVER. The topic was singleness and I joined him up front afterward to answer some questions from our community. If you missed it, you can get the podcast here or watch the video above.

Ryan posted a robust list of follow-up resources on Advance’s blog that you’ll want to check out. To his list, I would add these:


If I could go back in time, I would’ve asked Ryan to put this free accountability software on his computer as soon as we were engaged. It should be on every dating, courting, and married couple’s computers, phones, iPads, etc. regardless of whether or not porn has been an issue for either person in the relationship.

It works like this: Whenever you access a website that contains inappropriate or pornographic material, the program will record the website, time, and date the site was visited. Then, the person of your choice (an accountability partner) will receive an email or text message containing all inappropriate sites you have visited.

It’s fantastic and gave me a lot of peace of mind as Ryan worked to regain my trust early on in our marriage. I can’t believe I forgot to mention it during the Q&A!

Best Deals for Singles

“Marriage and singleness both present us with unique trials and unique opportunities for our sanctification” explains John Piper. “There will be unique rewards for each, and which is greater will not depend on whether you were married or single, but on how you responded to each.” 

This PDF from the women of GirlTalk is loaded with  practical, Biblical advice on how to seize the opportunities the season of singleness offers.

Church Planting and the Single Woman

“Church planters need single women who are so committed to serving the church that they are known as sisters and helpers who invest the gifts and talents they’ve received for the benefit of the gospel.”

A timely word of encouragement single women helping us start Advance Church!

Stewarding Singleness

A perspective of singleness from a 40-year old member of Mars Hill Church in Seattle.

When You Don’t Have a Better Half

In this in-depth article, Carolyn McCully (via The Council on Biblical Manhood & Womanhood) explains how single women can cultivate femininity in non-romantic relationships, while encouraging the men around us in their application of masculinity.

Let me Be a Woman by Elisabeth Elliot

A solid collection of  essays on what it means to be a Christian woman, whether single, married, or widowed.  A must, must read for any woman seeking to more fully understand, embrace, and walk securely in God’s calling for her.

Dating non-Christians

A straight-to-the-point response from Joshua Harris to the question, “Is my relationship with this non-Christian guy ok?”

Questions to Ask When Preparing for Marriage

For the bullet-list lover, John Piper offers up more than fifty key questions (and organizes them by category…oh my!) you should be asking yourself and boyfriend/girlfriend/fiance during your courtship.