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If You Only Read One…

And So There Must Come An End by Charlotte Kitley

Charlotte has blogged on The Huffington Post UK since 2013 and sadly passed away on Tuesday 16 September from bowel cancer. She wrote one final post that she wished to share with all of her readers.

But Also Check Out These…

When Life is Short and Everything is Changing by Jennifer Dukes Lee

It’s all changing. That’s what I’m thinking when I’m looking out the window, and the clouds are charging east, against the blue dome of heaven. But change doesn’t feel scary anymore, not like it used to. It seems like I no longer view life as a “slipping away,” but a slipping toward. Maybe this is the grace God gives the aging.

When it Feels Like Creation is Over by Emily Freeman

The pessimists say life is hard and won’t get better. The optimists say life is good or will be soon. But the believers say our hope is in Jesus whether life is hard or life is good, releasing the right to predict the future, holding on to God who comes to be with us now.

Guard Your Gates by Sarah Bessey

Is this influence – whether it’s a book or a movie or a friendship or a Facebook page – bringing life and wholeness and the fruit of the Spirit to me and others? Is it challenging me to be fully alive, to be more compassionate and human, to be more wise and loving?

My Story of Healing by Christine Caine

The same God that was with me before the phone call was the same God that was with me after the phone call. He had not changed, but I now had an opportunity to walk through a trial that would forever change me.

Repairing the World by Steven Garber

Every effort at repairing the world costs us. Even with the best hopes, the truest motives, we will get hurt, because the world is very messy. Stepping in, even with responsibility born of love, is never neat-and-clean. To take up the wounds of the world will wound us, as it did God himself — which is why the heart of our vocation must be the imitation of the vocation of God. Nothing else can so form us, nothing else can so sustain us. 

Backstory: My Dance with Steve by Bo Stern

The beauty in marriage is not in doing it perfectly, but in responding to the imperfections with grace and grit. It’s in the getting up and trying again, believing again, hoping again, dancing again. That’s where the real magic is.

The Soul That Isn’t at War by Lisa Whittle

In the everyday things of life, in the relationships that let us down, the scramble for approval in our job, with people, with our art, God says to us:trust Me to be the better choice.

In Case You Missed It (From Me)…

September: Don’t Fall for It 

As we move together into what will be another full Fall, let’s promise each other we’ll rest long enough in the arms of Jesus to really see ourselves for who we are in Him—forgiven, beloved, set free.

When Homemaking Feels Small 

Your home—and your homemaking—matters.  Know that. Trust that. Keep showing up for that. Because there’s coming a day when the rooms will empty and the halls will clear and you will turn a new corner. With only the memories of this season in your heart. Memories you got out of bed for. Memories you fought for. Memories Jesus gave his life for.  

Get Into These Books…

the fault in our stars

Home-Making by J.R. Miller

Freefall to Fly: A Breathtaking Journey to a Life of Meaning by Rebecca Lyons

The Fault in Our Stars by John Green

The Last Word…

the archibald project

“Great acts of faith are usually accompanied by a mind blowing revelation that our God is bigger than our greatest fears and that He uses ALL things for good for those who love Him. If we have yet to grasp that trait of our Heavenly Father then we can’t ask Him to ‘send’ us, because when it comes down to taking the step to go, we will fall back in fear every time. Trying to wrap our minds around a God-ordained calling or step of faith only brings our almighty God down to our human levels of understanding. Would you want to serve a God you understood perfectly? What is He calling you to? Where is he asking you to surrender and submit?” {The Archibald Project}

the archibald project