Wow. It’s happening again.


If you are attending the IF:Gathering in Las Vegas, here are some things to know before we gather together next week…


Friday: We will begin at 1:30 PM and finish by 9 PM. If you are able, please arrive at Advance Church by 1:15 PM. As of today, we have more than 35 women registered to attend, so we want to make sure everyone has time to get checked in and settled. We understand that not everyone can be there in time for the first session because of work, childcare challenges, etc, so please don’t worry about walking in late. Just arrive as soon as you can and someone from our team will get you all squared away.

Saturday: We will begin at 9 AM and finish by 5 PM.

Before You Arrive 

Register & give to IF:Gathering. It is important that you make your registration official by going here, providing our leadership team with your contact info, and giving a minimum $1 donation to support the vision, mission, and production costs of the IF:Gathering ($500,000) in Austin, TX. Your donation is tax deductible and covers only the expenses of everything streaming from the IF:Gathering in Austin.

Give to IF:Las Vegas. Please give what you are able (suggested donation: $10-$15) using this form to help the IF:LasVegas leadership team cover our costs locally (Friday’s dinner, snacks, incidentals, turning the lights/Internet on at Advance Church). There will be an opportunity to give a cash donation when you arrive on Friday, but we are encouraging as many people as possible to give online before February 6.

What to Bring

Yourself. Ditch the distractions. Bury your phone. Dress comfy. Bring a blankie, pillow & slippers if that’s your jam. The venue will be set up like a living room, so dress like you would to hang out at friend’s house on a Friday night.

A Bible. The IF:Gathering leaders will be showing the ESV version on screen, but you will want your own favorite version handy. If you don’t have a Bible, we’ll hook you up with one because we are cool like that.

Snack and drink holder. Let’s avoid the “is this mine?” song and dance by bringing your favorite mug or water bottle. We’ll have coffee, water, and lemonade to fill ‘em! We’ll also have some candy, nuts, and fruit available to snack on, but you are welcome to bring your own morsels of goodness to share because you are sweet like that.

Brown bag lunch for Saturday. Lots of different preferences means it’s best to just pack your own!

Things to Keep In Mind

There will be mistakes. Because this gathering is dependent on technology (we will be watching the feed a couple of hours behind Austin, TX on Friday and Saturday), there could be hiccups. The gals on our leadership team are simply your hosts based on the information from the leaders in Austin. Please do not expect perfection, but instead embrace any hiccups as opportunities to patiently bond with us.

This gathering builds momentum from start to finish. Each session, worship set, and discussion time will build on the ones before, so please plan to attend as much of the gathering as possible. You will not regret this, we promise.

Nursing mothers are welcome. We will have a private room set up for you to nurse/change your babies and still see and hear everything going on if you need to step away from the main venue at any time.

Everyone is at a different place faith-wise. We have women coming from all over the Las Vegas valley from different church affiliations and faith backgrounds. IF:Gathering is a safe, beautiful place that champions diversity and asks that we come not as new Christians or old Christians or non-Christians but as sisters in our community who want to be known by one another as we seek to better understand how God wants us to live and work together to build His kingdom. See this post for a more complete picture of what this means.

Finally, know this…


“Friends–it has happened—we are coming together. I see a generation rising. We have stepped up for God’s glory and the good of others and you have too. And I believe in full faith that He will move among us in new ways. Ways that expand our faith and courage even more. Keep praying. God is real and we can’t wait to see what He will do through his children together–wild and full of faith.”

{Jennie Allen, IF:Gathering Founder and Visionary}

Excited to be a part of this epic story with you,

Kristen for Team IF:LasVegas