My Favorite Books of 2020

My Favorite Books of 2020

I’ve learned over time that reading fewer than 60 books in a year, or more than 100, is a clear sign something is off with my inner life. Too few books means I’m not prioritizing the self-care reading affords me; too many and I’m leaning too heavily...
#KKLREADS (vol. 2)

#KKLREADS (vol. 2)

A couple of months ago I mentioned to my husband that a woman in a memoir I’d just finished had fallen asleep in the tub with her infant and drowned him. A few days later I realized that, no, that wasn’t right. The author of the memoir had lost a child,...
Link Love (vol. 4)

Link Love (vol. 4)

If You Only Read One… And So There Must Come An End by Charlotte Kitley Charlotte has blogged on The Huffington Post UK since 2013 and sadly passed away on Tuesday 16 September from bowel cancer. She wrote one final post that she wished to share with all of her...