Let Your Heart Be Light

Let Your Heart Be Light

This post was originally published by She.ology in December 2018. The clothes dropped to the suitcase in a flurry. I didn’t know how long I’d be gone, so I just kept piling them in. Clean, dirty, do I even have a bra to go with this? Doesn’t matter. I barely need one...
Table Matters: The Power of Your Presence

Table Matters: The Power of Your Presence

On the list of things I can’t stop thinking about is this: Jesus, savior of humanity, could have chosen any way to change the world, and he decided to start in our homes, around our tables. Fixate on this for a few minutes with me. Hiding in plain sight on countless...


Solidarity sounds like sirens.At least it always has to me.One by one, we choose, together, to become less.Less important. Less harried. Less selfish. Less consumed.By things that seemed important Before the lights shone in our rearview. We slow down. We pull over. We...
Christ in Us

Christ in Us

Christmas is coming, and, maybe, like me, you’re hoping to find a new circumstance (or two) wrapped and waiting for you under the tree. You’ve been staring at the sky for months, begging God to scoop you up and out of your job, a relationship, a zip code, a dress...
God Can Be Trusted

God Can Be Trusted

Growing up, I was that girl. When I wrote in my school planner, I used a different color pen for each class. Whenever our English teacher gave us a new paperback novel, I would secure it in a Ziploc bag so that the edges wouldn’t tatter in my backpack. I always placed...
Stewarding Uncertainty

Stewarding Uncertainty

A line in Becoming Mrs. Lewis stopped me in my tracks this week. When C.S. Lewis’ wife receives a terminal diagnosis and laments the hopelessness of their circumstance, he says to her, “It is not hopeless. It is uncertain, and this is the cross God always gives us in...