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Today is my husband’s 40th birthday. Earlier this week, he marked the occasion by getting inked for the very first time. Here’s why:
What I’m Learning About Grief

What I’m Learning About Grief

I was stuck in traffic last week beside a hearse. It didn’t look like it had carried any, um, passengers in at least two decades, what with its faded white body and tacky, tattered curtains. Did it have dice? I think it had dice. Regardless, it wierded me out and put...
What Remains

What Remains

I can still hear death rattling your cage. Like a midwife willing chaos into order, I stood to face the storm. Was this how you felt before my first breath? Had to be. When darkness brought its weight to bear, I threw it on my back. Yours needed rest—and wings—so I...


It’s time to roll out of Vegas. But before we do, there are some people to thank… To Duane. For suggesting something as audacious as church planting. To Mike. For showing us our first step. To Wayne. For asking if we ever thought about Las Vegas, for...


With each out-of-state move, every step of obedience–the discerning, the deciding, the doubling down–has gotten easier, save one. The uprooting has gotten harder, especially now that a double oven, mountain views and neighbors I’ve come to care about...