We’ve been spending an absurd amount of time eating in bleachers lately, so here’s my latest go-to salad recipe (courtesy of The Diva Dish) that also works great for school lunches (or as a side dish when you are bored with steamed broccoli).


Strawberry Broccoli Salad
Prep time:
Total time:
  • (For the Salad)
  • 1½ c. chopped strawberries
  • 1½ c. broccoli, cut with most of the stems removed
  • ¼ c. salted cashews, chopped
  • 2 TB (or more) toasted coconut
  • (For the Dressing)
  • 2 TB. greek yogurt, plain
  • 1 TB. balsamic vinegar
  • 2 TB. honey
  • sprinkle of cinnamon
  1. Add salad ingredients to a medium sized bowl and set aside.
  2. In a separate small bowl whisk together salad dressing, then pour over top of salad.
  3. Can serve immediately, or will do great in the fridge for when ready to serve.
  4. (If serving later, add in coconut just before serving)

When I know I’m going to be needing this later in the week for a tournament or whatever, I make sure to cut, rinse, and toss together the strawberries and broccoli as soon as I get home from Costco on Tuesday. That way all I have to do is pull it out of the fridge, add the dressing, cashews, and coconut and then drop it into our divided plastic containers with some other goodies in seriously less than five minutes. So easy. So healthy. So good.
