Early in our marriage (when the only things I really knew how to “cook” were tacos and spaghetti), my sister-in-law Kristy got her hands on this D’amico & Sons recipe and shared it with me out of pity. I know this because of the notes she added to the list of ingredients:

“Poppy seeds…those are in with the spices. They come in a green container for .99 cents at Cub.”

“Diced turkey…comes in a package in the lunch meat area.”

It was as if she was there the time my mom sent me to the store for green onions and I came home empty handed because “they only had yellow, white, and purple ones.”

[face palm]

I eventually located the poppy seeds and proceeded to make this salad every time I entertained or was asked to bring something to a party or pot luck (clearly my friends took pity on me, too, because never once did they tell me how sick they were of eating it. Bless.).

This recipe now sits in my binder as a reminder of how far I’ve come in the kitchen, and to whom I owe thanks for helping me find my way. I pulled it out a couple of weeks ago when I was prepping meals to take to a tournament in Utah, and I thought you might like to enjoy it in the bleachers you find yourself in this fall.


D’amico & Sons Turkey Cherry Salad
Recipe Type: Pasta Salad
Prep time:
Total time:
Serves: 10-15
  • 1lb Rotini or Fusilli Pasta (I use Trader Joe’s Organic Whole Wheat Fusilli Pasta)
  • 2c Diced Turkey (have the deli cut a one-inch slice to cube)
  • 1c Cherry Craisins
  • 1 Medium Yellow Onion (diced)
  • 4 Celery Stalks (diced)
  • 1c Whole Toasted Almonds (toast on stovetop or on a baking sheet in the oven)
  • Dressing:
  • 1/4c Powdered Sugar
  • 2T White Wine Vinegar
  • 2c Mayo
  • 2T Cold Water
  • 2T Poppyseed
  • 2tsp salt
  • 1/4 tsp pepper
  1. Whisk dressing together and mix with dry ingredients
  2. Refrigerate and seve cold