

Solidarity sounds like sirens.At least it always has to me.One by one, we choose, together, to become less.Less important. Less harried. Less selfish. Less consumed.By things that seemed important Before the lights shone in our rearview. We slow down. We pull over. We...
6 Make-Ahead Breakfasts for Busy Families

6 Make-Ahead Breakfasts for Busy Families

“What nicer thing can you do for somebody than make them breakfast?”- Anthony Bourdain – A few years ago, in an effort to open up more time for myself in the morning, I started prepping four-to-five days of breakfast meals on Sunday afternoons for my...
My Favorite Books of 2019

My Favorite Books of 2019

If reading is on your list of things to prioritize in 2020, then buckle up because I’m here to blow up your TBR list. I finished just over 80 books in 2019, and today I’m sharing a stack of my favorites, plus two books I’m kicking myself for not...
Christ in Us

Christ in Us

Christmas is coming, and, maybe, like me, you’re hoping to find a new circumstance (or two) wrapped and waiting for you under the tree. You’ve been staring at the sky for months, begging God to scoop you up and out of your job, a relationship, a zip code, a dress...