A Holiday Book Brain Dump

A Holiday Book Brain Dump

I don’t know if this makes me crazy or smart, but one reason I read so many books is to make this very week of the year so much easier. I know which books I want to give people, I know which ones I want to ask for, and I know right where to look to hook my...
Link Love (vol. 8)

Link Love (vol. 8)

During an interview at Verve Vegas a couple weeks ago, I was asked, “What are you reading right now?” My husband just shook his head like you have no idea people and I laughed because, well, this is what I was reading in September… God for the Rest...
Summer Reads in Review

Summer Reads in Review

Here are the books I started reading and finished this summer that you might want to add to (or take off) your lists for the fall. I ended up only having to purchase two of these 10 titles, so three cheers for the library! Young Adult Fiction Eleanor & Park...
2015 Summer Reading List

2015 Summer Reading List

No matter how strongly I deny it or wish it weren’t so, summer is still three fast weeks away [cries into hands]. I have no plan, I have no nanny, and I certainly don’t have the six figure income it takes to send three kids to camp simultaneously for even...
Link Love (vol. 7)

Link Love (vol. 7)

Full disclosure: I started dreading March in January this year. I am a chronic homebody who prefers routine to romping around the country every week, so work/baseball trips to Utah, Boston, & Arizona about did me in. Then spring break happened so it’s kind...
Link Love (vol. 6)

Link Love (vol. 6)

I didn’t write much this month, but I did read my face off, so I have a lot to share with you today as we prepare to send February on its pink, sassy way. As always, I hope you find something here that inspires and encourages you as you spring ahead into March....