Eyes Wide Open

Eyes Wide Open

I’m linking up with Casey Leigh today because I’ve got something on my heart that I need to say out loud before I pour myself a glass of I-made-it-to-Friday-night-wine and settle into a weekend that promises to look very much like you would expect: safe, predictable,...
Link Love (Vol. 5)

Link Love (Vol. 5)

Before IF:Gathering engulfs me completely next week, I wanted to link up with Leigh Kramer and point you toward all kinds of things I loved reading and experiencing in January. I hope you find something here that inspires and encourages you to skip expectantly into...
Link Love (vol. 4)

Link Love (vol. 4)

If You Only Read One… And So There Must Come An End by Charlotte Kitley Charlotte has blogged on The Huffington Post UK since 2013 and sadly passed away on Tuesday 16 September from bowel cancer. She wrote one final post that she wished to share with all of her...
For Approval (Part 1)

For Approval (Part 1)

It’s one thing to suspect you’ve struggled with an approval addiction for most of your life. It’s quite another to go digging in the crawlspace for proof. But that’s exactly what I did after sending my kids to school yesterday for their year-end awards assembly. Just...
2014 Summer Reading

2014 Summer Reading

I’ve been dreading summer for weeks now, but today I’m making peace with it by letting it be what it’s supposed to be: a break. There will be no fussing with darling reading logs, Instagramming exotic vacations, or succumbing to death-by-summer bucket lists. I will...