Yes: Where Our Adoption Story Got Real

Yes: Where Our Adoption Story Got Real

(Read part 1 of this series here) I knew that if I hesitated for even a second, I would be in danger of shrinking back and reasoning my way out of moving forward. So as soon as the words, “Give us one” left my lips, I stood to my feet and headed toward Oz Google for...
In the Follow Through

In the Follow Through

Every time I sit down to write out our adoption story for the brave families I see standing on the starting line of the process, I wimp out. I’m afraid our experience is no longer relevant to them and that nothing I write will stop their legs from shaking anyway, so...
We Could’ve Missed This

We Could’ve Missed This

Every year when April 9-18 rolls around, our family pauses to remember the week Ryan and I spent in Ethiopia in 2009. We celebrate Selah’s birthday, we remember her Gotcha Day, we touch base with our travel group, and we once again subject our Facebook followers...

Meetcha Day

Sorry for the lull in posts. We’ve been busy and, honestly, I’m lacking motivation to write. We’ve been through too much in the last few days to even try to explain what we’ve done, seen, heard, touched, and, well, smelled. It’s overwhelming. There are some things I...