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Follow Me

Today is my husband’s 40th birthday. Earlier this week, he marked the occasion by getting inked for the very first time. Here’s why:
7 Things I Learned This Winter

7 Things I Learned This Winter

“The practice of looking back and paying attention serves as an anchor for the soul in a fast-moving world. Instead of waiting for the world to stop so we can catch up, we slow ourselves, we look around, and name what we see.” – Emily P. Freeman   I’ve...
7 Vulnerable Reads

7 Vulnerable Reads

Hemmingway once said, “The world breaks everyone, and afterward, some are strong at the broken places.” The astonishing stories below prove him right, giving all of us a measure of courage to confess our mess and begin stepping bravely through the wreckage.   All...
What I’m Learning About Grief

What I’m Learning About Grief

I was stuck in traffic last week beside a hearse. It didn’t look like it had carried any, um, passengers in at least two decades, what with its faded white body and tacky, tattered curtains. Did it have dice? I think it had dice. Regardless, it wierded me out and put...