Meetcha Day

Sorry for the lull in posts. We’ve been busy and, honestly, I’m lacking motivation to write. We’ve been through too much in the last few days to even try to explain what we’ve done, seen, heard, touched, and, well, smelled. It’s overwhelming. There are some things I...
Sunday Eucalyptus

Sunday Eucalyptus

My favorite smells are the Pacific Ocean and eucalyptus trees. Both remind me of  my hometown: Montecito, California. When I was there in January, the scent of the trees made me cry. I hadn’t smelled them in more than a year, and I realized just how much I missed...


We are coming down from the adrenaline rush and are so humbled and happy to announce that America World called us today at 2:30 p.m. CST to say, “Today is the day. This is your referral call.” My office is in our house, so I was sitting here plowing through some stuff...
Adoption FAQ

Adoption FAQ

You guys are obviously quite fertile…why not just have another biological child? Even before Landon and Evan emerged on the scene in rapid succession, we always thought about adoption. So this has always been on our radar. With more than 15 million orphans in Africa...