It’s Always Warm in California

It’s Always Warm in California

“It’s always warm in California,” everyone kept telling me. “It’s never cold!” And to my little brother: “No, Austin, it’s not the Specific Ocean, it’s the Puh-cific Ocean.” When we finally made it to Santa Rosa Lane after several weeks of goodbyes in Iowa and a few...
Las Vegas Birth Story: The Lindstedts

Las Vegas Birth Story: The Lindstedts

“Love, like rain, can nourish from above, drenching couples with a soaking joy.” ~Paulo Coelho Every time something amazing happens in their lives, it rains. So last week when the routinely dry Vegas forecast called for showers on March 8th, the Lindstedts and I knew...

Meetcha Day

Sorry for the lull in posts. We’ve been busy and, honestly, I’m lacking motivation to write. We’ve been through too much in the last few days to even try to explain what we’ve done, seen, heard, touched, and, well, smelled. It’s overwhelming. There are some things I...