In September

In September

Earlier this week I said something on Facebook to the effect of: Time of death on my “summer is for fun” attitude? 12 PM today.  Now I’m all you can stay in your separate, smell-infested little kid caves “til your father gets home” with these nice stacks...
Fan Fare: Fruit Kabobs

Fan Fare: Fruit Kabobs

As I was packing up Ryan and the kids to head to Utah on Friday for the last tournament of the spring season (I opted to stay home and, you know, drink wine and write blog posts in sweet silence), Ryan begged me to step away from the divided Ziploc containers I insist...
Amelia Grace Valeria

Amelia Grace Valeria

She was born on the 4th of July last year in Colombia, and my sister-in-law and brother-in-law adopted her in Bogota this spring. She is squishy and sweet like a Cabbage Patch doll, and our family is crazy smitten for her. She’s loved and lovely, and I get to be...