The Covenant Home Altar

The Covenant Home Altar

When our denomination, The Evangelical Covenant Church, asked me to contribute a week’s worth of devotions to the Spring issue of The Covenant Home Altar, I said, “Sure thing!” Then, when I found out that the good peeps at Covenant Publications...
It’s Always Warm in California

It’s Always Warm in California

“It’s always warm in California,” everyone kept telling me. “It’s never cold!” And to my little brother: “No, Austin, it’s not the Specific Ocean, it’s the Puh-cific Ocean.” When we finally made it to Santa Rosa Lane after several weeks of goodbyes in Iowa and a few...
Love That…Paper Solution

Love That…Paper Solution

I’m pretty sure the only thing I dislike more than Paper is voicemail…and maybe clowns. Yes, definitely clowns. Oh, and ice cream trucks. Gah. Anyway, I avoid Paper whenever possible. I can’t stand the piles he makes. I gave up scrapbooking when Mac...